Hi there! 🙌

I’m Jong Inn Park (박종인), commonly known as Jong in the US. I work as a Research Engineer and Full Stack Web Developer at the University of Minnesota, under the mentorship of Prof. Dongyeop Kang and Prof. Richard N. Landers. I recently graduated from the Data Science Master’s program at the University of Minnesota. During the program, I conducted research under the guidance of Prof. Dongyeop Kang in the Minnesota NLP Lab. Additionally, I collaborated with Prof. Jisu Huh, who leads the Minnesota Computational Advertising Laboratory (MCAL).


My academic and research pursuits are centered around the application of large language models in instruction finetuning. My work was recently published as a paper titled “SelectLLM: Can LLMs Select Important Instructions to Annotate?” on ArXiv, where I contributed as a second author.

I am also deeply involved in developing tools that enhance human-computer interaction and data collection. I developed a Chrome extension that tracks user logs during searches on both traditional and AI-powered search engines. This pioneering tool contributed to a paper submitted to the AEJMC conference, titled “Consumer Engagement With AI-Powered Search Engines and Implications for the Future of Search Advertising”.

Currently, I am developing a tool aimed at assisting NLP researchers to create customizable text datasets, which can be deployed using Docker, facilitating more streamlined research workflows.

Professional Experience

Piper Sandler, a prestigious investment bank established in 1895 in Minneapolis, was where I completed my most recent internship. There, I designed a prototype for displaying topic models and sentiment analysis of earnings call transcripts using Streamlit and developed Python scraping pipelines with Scrapy to gather public financial data for the Equity Capital Market group.

Before pursuing my master’s degree, I worked as a Data Analyst at Samsung Card in Seoul, Korea, for over three years. My most significant project involved developing an automated call quality-assurance system using text classification models, which dramatically increased monitoring coverage from 1% to 100% of monthly calls and significantly reduced operational costs.

Education and Military Service

I earned my Bachelor of Economics in Statistics from Sungkyunkwan University in 2019. During my undergraduate, I served in the Republic of Korea Air Force (January 2014 - January 2016), where I was responsible for managing military vehicle gas logistics.


Jul 01, 2024 I’m happy to announce that I’m starting a Full Stack Web Developer position at the Department of Psychology, College of Liberal Arts at the University of Minnesota under Prof. Richard N. Landers.
Jun 17, 2024 I’m thrilled to announce that I have graduated with a Master’s degree in Data Science from the University of Minnesota.
May 21, 2024 Our research on “Consumer Engagement With AI-Powered Search Engines and Implications for the Future of Search Advertising” was accepted for presentation in AEJMC August 7th - 11th.
May 16, 2024 Our research on Benchmarking Cognitive Biases in Large Language Models as Evaluators was accepted to appear at ACL 2024 Findings.
Apr 19, 2024 I completed my internship at Piper Sandler.
Apr 01, 2024 Our work exploring potential changes in search tactics and advertising engagement influenced by generative AI-powered search engines has been submitted to the AEJMC conference.
Jan 29, 2024 Our work on selecting high-quality instructions from unlabeled datasets, called “SelectLLM”, has been published on ArXiv.
Sep 29, 2023 Our study on evaluating the effectiveness of LLMs as automatic evaluators using a new benchmark, CoBBLEr has been published on ArXiv.
Sep 06, 2023 I’m excited to announce that I’m starting my internship at Piper Sandler as a Technology Intern.
Apr 10, 2023 I began working at Minnesota NLP Lab under Prof. Dongyeop Kang.